Warn #54513
On tmsc9000
Reason: Automatic action from automod. Warning user because score **2.875** >= 2.0
Moderator: AutoModerator
Server: Beat Hazard
Moderator: AutoModerator
Server: Beat Hazard
[s=+0.00 (+0.00), m=+1.00 (+0.00), t=+0.00 (+0.00)] > MESSAGE : <@!462650844215509012> <@!763405447729643530> <@!185612226449637377> <@!386351614145069067>
https:/ (on #beat-hazard-media)
[s=+0.00 (+0.00), m=+1.15 (+0.15), t=+0.00 (+0.00)] > Author is offline (probably invisible)
[s=+0.00 (+0.00), m=+1.15 (+0.00), t=+0.00 (+0.00)] > Multiplicator calculation done
[s=+1.00 (+1.00), m=+1.15 (+0.00), t=+1.15 (+1.15)] > Message mentions more than 3 people (['Rodiuh#0676', 'groudon300#8055', 'RHM#8057', 'Lone Night Raven#3753'])
[s=+2.50 (+1.50), m=+1.15 (+0.00), t=+2.88 (+1.73)] > Message history contains too many mentions (historic_mentions_total=8)
[s=+2.50 (+0.00), m=+1.15 (+0.00), t=+2.88 (+0.00)] > Running AutoTrigger checks
[s=+2.50 (+0.00), m=+1.15 (+0.00), t=+2.88 (+0.00)] > > Check ran Bad Strings with result False
[s=+2.50 (+0.00), m=+1.15 (+0.00), t=+2.88 (+0.00)] > > Check ran Libra Discord Bots with result False
[s=+2.50 (+0.00), m=+1.15 (+0.00), t=+2.88 (+0.00)] > > Check ran Sex Dating Discord Bots with result False
[s=+2.50 (+0.00), m=+1.15 (+0.00), t=+2.88 (+0.00)] > > Check ran Instant Essay Discord Bots with result False
[s=+2.50 (+0.00), m=+1.15 (+0.00), t=+2.88 (+0.00)] > > Check ran Sex Bots with result False
[s=+2.50 (+0.00), m=+1.15 (+0.00), t=+2.88 (+0.00)] > > Check ran Nudes Selling Discord Bots with result False
[s=+2.50 (+0.00), m=+1.15 (+0.00), t=+2.88 (+0.00)] > Score calculation done
[s=+2.50 (+0.00), m=+1.15 (+0.00), t=+2.88 (+0.00)] > Total for message is 2.875, applying actions if any
[s=+2.50 (+0.00), m=+1.15 (+0.00), t=+2.88 (+0.00)] > Deleting message because score **2.875** >= 1.5
[s=+2.50 (+0.00), m=+1.15 (+0.00), t=+2.88 (+0.00)] > Warning user because score **2.875** >= 2.0