Supreme Colour Camp™

Guild details

Discord ID: 1030555891570855996
Owner edongzzz9083#0000 (776191801110822912)
Created At Oct. 14, 2022, 7:01 p.m.
Users 142
VIP False
Automod Enabled Yes
AutoTriggers Enabled No
AutoInspect Enabled Yes
Thresholds Enabled Yes
DeHoister Enabled No

Server rules

            1️⃣ Any harmful material (viruses, links, links to Discord servers that involve the aforementioned, etc.) results in an immediate and permanent ban.

2️⃣ Inappropriate language (excessive swears, racial slurs, deliberate attempts to instigate negative reactions, etc) will be removed and the User(s) in question will be given a written warning, kicked, or banned depending on severity.

3️⃣ Repeatedly mentioning the Co-Admins, Moderators, etc. can result in a kick/ban at that person’s discretion. A general rule of thumb: If you wouldn't want someone messaging you like that, don't do it to us.

4️⃣ No advertising Discord Servers or other programs, websites, or services unless in #self-promo📢. This includes DM’ing unsolicited invites or putting an invite as your playing status.

5️⃣ Usernames / Nicknames should be Latin characters and numbers only (A-Z / 0-9). They should not contain Zalgo, Blank names, unusual Unicode, political views, attention-seeking names, overly lengthy names, slurs, or any other offensive material. Users found breaking this rule will have their names changed and warned in a DM. 

6️⃣ Please keep chat and questions in English only.

Actions recorded on this server

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