DuckHunt ๐Ÿฆ†

Guild details

Discord ID: 195260081036591104
Owner canarduck#0000 (138751484517941259)
Created At June 22, 2016, 7:33 p.m.
Users 6865
VIP True
Automod Enabled Yes
AutoTriggers Enabled Yes
AutoInspect Enabled Yes
Thresholds Enabled Yes
DeHoister Enabled Yes
Invite code

Server rules


Actions recorded on this server

Actions recorded as of now:
Warn #30603
On โ„ ฮ›m โฟแต’แต— โ„ฒแดšฦŽฦ†ฦ†โ…„ แ˜œร˜ โ‚wโ‚y
Reason: #๐Ÿค–spam-and-bots is the place tp spam commands
Moderator: calgeka
Server: DuckHunt ๐Ÿฆ†
Kick #30602
On .weeweewee
Reason: Automatic action from automod. Kicking user because score **3.75** >= 3.5
Moderator: AutoModerator
Server: DuckHunt ๐Ÿฆ†
Note #30600
On ........
Reason: Automatic nickname DeHoist from ........ to z_Nickname_DeHoisted. Please try not to use special chars at the start of your nickname to appear at the top of the list of members.
Moderator: DeHoister
Server: DuckHunt ๐Ÿฆ†
Warn #30582
Reason: dm invites
Moderator: calgeka
Server: DuckHunt ๐Ÿฆ†
Ban #30579
On GeneralStiff
Reason: Rude, wasting people's time and ultimately spamming the support channel with garbage.
Moderator: deleted_user_ecb465b3b644
Server: DuckHunt ๐Ÿฆ†
Softban #30577
On drip peppa pig
Reason: Automatic softban by AutoInspect autoinspect_pornspam_bots
Moderator: AutoInspector
Server: DuckHunt ๐Ÿฆ†
Warn #30564
On AntTheMango
Reason: no invites here
Moderator: calgeka
Server: DuckHunt ๐Ÿฆ†
Warn #30563
On ร’ฯ‰ร“
Reason: invites in test
Moderator: calgeka
Server: DuckHunt ๐Ÿฆ†