talk and chill

Guild details

Discord ID: 717061292527190047
Owner Lou!#7702 (604613033355902986)
Created At June 1, 2020, 5:05 p.m.
Users 30
VIP False
Automod Enabled Yes
AutoTriggers Enabled Yes
AutoInspect Enabled Yes
Thresholds Enabled No
DeHoister Enabled Yes

Server rules

            →Harassing members on this server is not permitted. This includes unneeded hate towards moderators for enforcing rules.

→ Post NSFW things only in NSFW channels; for example #nsfw-chat (channels only for users with role Normie or higher).

→ Do not advertise other discord servers, social media or third party websites. (This includes dms and indirect advertising. We may allow it in #point_right_tone1︱follow-each-other but I prefer only instagrams)

→ Do not spam/flood the chats as it is annoying as hell and you must be punished for it.

→ Do not tag people or roles without need or repeatedly. (Also annoying)

→ Use the channel where it's supposed to be used for (use bot commands in #robot︱bot-general). We like the keep stuff neat.

→ Try your best to not trigger/offend anyone; keeping the server less toxic. If you happen to offend anyone, just simply apoligize.

→ Do not be toxic

→Do not be a smartass about a mod's decision. This will just just result in a doubling of your sentence.

→ Don't expose or use photos of other people without permission directly from them.

→ Keep discussions regarding religion, suicide, and similar stuff that can produce toxicity to servers meant for those purposes or DM's.

→ Always listen to staff members. If they tell you to stop doing something, stop. If you feel that they abuse their powers, report it on my dms.

→Do NOT discuss banned members as it may cause toxicity and un-needed problems.

No saying n word hard r

Actions recorded on this server

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