PewPew Development

Guild details

Discord ID: 783406655832326151
Owner Zoid#6158 (490262975085674497)
Created At Dec. 1, 2020, 6:58 p.m.
Users 55
VIP False
Automod Enabled Yes
AutoTriggers Enabled Yes
AutoInspect Enabled Yes
Thresholds Enabled Yes
DeHoister Enabled Yes
Invite code

Server rules

            1. This Server is English Only, this means we will not accept any other languages and you will be told so

2.  No Blank / Unpingable / Offensive names and or Nicknames

3. Please refrain from posting and talking about nsfw in the Server

4. Please use the channels for there intended purpose

5. Do Not Type your or anyone elses Addresses or illegal marketing, ip grabber, malicious links, ddos attacks etc.

6. Alts Are Allowed But Do Not Use It To Break Rules Or Troll

7. No impersonation of anyone, including staff and Developers

8. No Spamming

9. If there is an RAID going on please don't abusse the oppurtunity to spam and break rules!

10. Please do not argue with staff that are trying to help you or warn you!

The Following Also applies here:

Actions recorded on this server

Actions recorded as of now:
Ban #69373
Reason: Imagine%20leaving%20after%20joining%20%3C%3Ahahahahhahahahah%3A829904195779559424%3E
Moderator: BanList Import
Server: PewPew Development
Warn #69372
On blueberrypi
Reason: Automatic nickname DeHoist from aa B | BlueberryPi to B | BlueberryPi. Please try not to use special chars at the start of your nickname to appear at the top of the list of members.
Moderator: DeHoister
Server: PewPew Development