Worlds Edge Community Server

Guild details

Discord ID: 788508835022766081
Owner plainoldnathan#0000 (518576817658003470)
Created At Dec. 15, 2020, 8:52 p.m.
Users 18
VIP False
Automod Enabled Yes
AutoTriggers Enabled No
AutoInspect Enabled Yes
Thresholds Enabled No
DeHoister Enabled Yes
Invite code

Server rules

            1. Be respectful. We do not allow harassment or delinquency in this server. Criticism and joking is allowed in moderation, and consistent personal attacks are punishable.

2. Inappropriate or harmful content is strictly forbidden.
Gore, sexual content, hate-speech, and all items considered inappropriate will result in removal from the server. This includes links to malware, adult websites, and violent videos. 

3. Spamming, flooding, and raiding are strictly prohibited.
Please do not spam channels.

4. Doxing, or leaking of personal or confidential information is an instantaneous ban. The anonymity of the internet is something all of us can enjoy. Attempts to expose members or outsiders through photos, addresses, social-media, phone-numbers, etc. will result in an immediate removal of the server. If you wish to disclose your personal information yourself, that is allowed, but do so at your own discretion.

5. Keep your avatar and conversations appropriate for the server.
Inappropriate avatars or conduct, whether that be violating the topics set for the server or having nudity/gore as your picture will result in quick moderated.

6. Use all channels appropriately. Apply common sense and adhere to channel descriptions for purposes. 

7. No illegal sales, trading, or copying of items, papers or information of any kind, this will result in an immediate ban with no appeal and a report to the discord trust and safety team. 

8. If you need support from a staff member do not DM them go to #〘🌊〙contact-a-mod .

9. All rules are subject to staff interpretation.

Actions recorded on this server

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