
Guild details

Discord ID: 814230792599109722
Owner mixarar#0000 (347320283138621444)
Created At Feb. 24, 2021, 8:22 p.m.
Users 1525
VIP False
Automod Enabled No
AutoTriggers Enabled No
AutoInspect Enabled Yes
Thresholds Enabled No
DeHoister Enabled Yes

Actions recorded on this server

Actions recorded as of now:
Kick #106406
On Android
Reason: Automatic kick by AutoInspect because of too many joins
Moderator: AutoInspector
Server: Guilded
Kick #106405
On froyo
Reason: Automatic kick by AutoInspect because of too many joins
Moderator: AutoInspector
Server: Guilded
Kick #106404
On Yung Ishmael Elazzouzi
Reason: Automatic kick by AutoInspect because of too many joins
Moderator: AutoInspector
Server: Guilded
Kick #106403
On topocarp1235555
Reason: Automatic kick by AutoInspect because of too many joins
Moderator: AutoInspector
Server: Guilded
Kick #106402
On khaoula❀
Reason: Automatic kick by AutoInspect because of too many joins
Moderator: AutoInspector
Server: Guilded
Kick #106401
On DX.flavin
Reason: Automatic kick by AutoInspect because of too many joins
Moderator: AutoInspector
Server: Guilded
Kick #106400
On elmie
Reason: Automatic kick by AutoInspect because of too many joins
Moderator: AutoInspector
Server: Guilded
Kick #106399
On Slee
Reason: Automatic kick by AutoInspect because of too many joins
Moderator: AutoInspector
Server: Guilded