taoshi#0000 log on DuckHunt 🦆

Discord ID: 135446225565515776
Security score 0 Best
Total received actions 9
Total given actions 125

Servers this user helps to moderate:

Actions recorded on this user:

Note #3582
On taoshi
Reason: tes
Moderator: canarduck
Server: DuckHunt 🦆
Note #550
On taoshi
Reason: Test that failed :)
Moderator: canarduck
Server: DuckHunt 🦆
Note #64
On taoshi
Reason: Hopefully this time... #general-🦆🔨
Moderator: canarduck
Server: DuckHunt 🦆
Note #63
On taoshi
Reason: This is a channel mention <#195260081036591104>
Moderator: canarduck
Server: DuckHunt 🦆

Actions created by this user:

Warn #1273
On Deleted User 4f8b3697
Reason: said the N word
Moderator: taoshi
Server: DuckHunt 🦆
Warn #1197
On walkingtalkingtrash
Reason: Wanting to get banned by chatting in #deleted-channel but since he wanted to, i will give him a warning instead.
Moderator: taoshi
Server: DuckHunt 🦆
Ban #1124
On Deleted User e56ebe7f
Reason: Hey check out this ban. You can think about what you have done. Oh btw, it is super chill.
Moderator: taoshi
Server: DuckHunt 🦆
Warn #1102
On YTPandako-Zero X
Reason: Chatted in #deleted-channel
Moderator: taoshi
Server: DuckHunt 🦆

Global log information

This is a guild specific log for user taoshi#0000. You can see a more global log here