subtleknifewielder#0000 log on DuckHunt 🦆

Discord ID: 251996890369884161
Security score 0 Best
Total received actions 1
Total given actions 703

Servers this user helps to moderate:

Actions recorded on this user:

Note #44653
On subtleknifewielder
Reason: Always wanted to do this
Moderator: canarduck
Server: DuckHunt 🦆

Actions created by this user:

Ban #6341
On Sett_11122
Reason: ads in #not-duckhunt and in DM
Moderator: subtleknifewielder
Server: DuckHunt 🦆
Ban #6339
On kisiu22
Reason: well if that's how you feel
Moderator: subtleknifewielder
Server: DuckHunt 🦆
Ban #6293
Reason: That's not acceptable general talk
Moderator: subtleknifewielder
Server: DuckHunt 🦆
Ban #6291
On flammingsandwich
Reason: ads in #general-🦆🔨
Moderator: subtleknifewielder
Server: DuckHunt 🦆

Global log information

This is a guild specific log for user subtleknifewielder#0000. You can see a more global log here