teanowl#0000 global log

Discord ID: 245847091585351681
Security score 0 Best
Total received actions 27
Total given actions 0

Servers this user helps to moderate:

Actions recorded on this user:

Warn #45019
On teanowl
Reason: chill out with the gifs
Moderator: mads0880
Server: Night City
Unmute #45017
On teanowl
Reason: Your favourite animal is desert eagle <:SS_SoFunny:494499590020530177>
Moderator: baby_desu
Server: Night City
Mute #45016
On teanowl
Reason: stfu terrorist
Moderator: baby_desu
Server: Night City
Warn #44128
On teanowl
Reason: no n word
Moderator: mads0880
Server: Night City

Actions created by this user:

No actions were given by this user