karliafangmadonia#0000 global log

Discord ID: 309294455054401538
Security score 0 Best
Total received actions 1
Total given actions 1093

Servers this user helps to moderate:

Actions recorded on this user:

Note #57954
On karliafangmadonia
Reason: hey yous a bitch
Moderator: jacksmiles1300
Server: Ohio Temple of Satan

Actions created by this user:

Ban #80127
On Sophia lovely
Reason: scam bot
Moderator: karliafangmadonia
Server: pornucopia
Ban #80126
On axelaro
Reason: have fun being obsessed with other people and twisting their words. Really shows how insecure and childish you are.
Moderator: karliafangmadonia
Server: Ohio Temple of Satan
Ban #80119
On stardust_11
Reason: also going on about false information and claiming people are pedos. You're not funny and it's so obvious you aren't joking and you're only using "it's a joke" to cover your ass. Also joking about people killing themselves. Grow ip
Moderator: karliafangmadonia
Server: Greater Debaters
Ban #80047
On alexpary
Reason: scam bots
Moderator: karliafangmadonia
Server: pornucopia