karliafangmadonia#0000 global log
Discord ID: | 309294455054401538 |
Security score |
Total received actions | 1 |
Total given actions | 1093 |
Servers this user helps to moderate:
- Admin status : pornucopia Master Debaters - Maestros de Debate Greater Debaters
Actions recorded on this user:
Note #57954
On karliafangmadonia
Actions created by this user:
Ban #79577
On gadzito
Ban #79576
On rangrahall
Reason: wow you trolls are so fucking retarded. Get in trouble for not behaving right and then have a meltdown after your friend gets yeeted for being a dumbass little bitch
Moderator: karliafangmadonia
Server: Ohio Temple of Satan
Moderator: karliafangmadonia
Server: Ohio Temple of Satan
Ban #79545
On commitnaenae
Reason: here let me show you how much you're of an attention seeking dumbass you are. Grow up and stop catfishing. You're only gonna start being confident when you stop acting as someone else.
Moderator: karliafangmadonia
Server: Ohio Temple of Satan
Moderator: karliafangmadonia
Server: Ohio Temple of Satan