JeodonGrey#5505 global log

Discord ID: 377772026405847043
Security score 0 Best
Total received actions 0
Total given actions 14

Actions recorded on this user:

No actions were recorded on this user

Actions created by this user:

Warn #8465
On xerexd
Reason: testing ticket system
Moderator: JeodonGrey
Server: Faulty Gamers
Warn #8332
On Vkynn
Reason: Minor NSFW meme
Moderator: JeodonGrey
Server: Faulty Gamers
Ban #7150
On adolfus hitlera
Reason: Harassment towards staff and r/choosingbeggar material. Not to be let in again.
Moderator: JeodonGrey
Server: Faulty Gamers
Unmute #6802
On adolfus hitlera
Reason: Time Expired
Moderator: JeodonGrey
Server: Faulty Gamers