van10#0000 global log

Discord ID: 482723471529345034
Security score 6.55 Low
Total received actions 6
Total given actions 0

Actions recorded on this user:

Kick #21759
On van10
Reason: Thresholds enforcing
Moderator: ThresholdsEnforcer
Server: Insanity Creative
Warn #21758
On van10
Reason: ------------- The other guy asked for your IGN, he wanted to play. Too many cancellations == ban. Final warning
Moderator: canarduck
Server: Insanity Creative
Warn #18487
On van10
Reason: tagging so much
Moderator: Deleted User 159e2f45
Server: Insanity Creative
Warn #18486
On van10
Reason: Useless triple-ping. Use BoxHelp
Moderator: canarduck
Server: Insanity Creative

Actions created by this user:

No actions were given by this user