Deleted User 9fd1dfb3#0438 global log

Discord ID: 619282545292345365
Security score 0 Best
Total received actions 2
Total given actions 8

Actions recorded on this user:

Ban #46056
On Deleted User 9fd1dfb3
Reason: pussy adawdawd
Moderator: johnz3895
Server: Night City
Mute #44865
On Deleted User 9fd1dfb3
Reason: Dont do that again
Moderator: johnz3895
Server: Night City

Actions created by this user:

Mute #42065
On Spartan 1337
Reason: ok please work
Moderator: Deleted User 9fd1dfb3
Server: Night City
Ban #41932
On Deleted User 40a4c5c8
Reason: due to your actions taken against tlot, it is certain that your presence here will only cause disturbance. So adios. And goodbye good sire
Moderator: Deleted User 9fd1dfb3
Server: Night City
Mute #35725
On johnz3895
Reason: you asked for it buddy😎
Moderator: Deleted User 9fd1dfb3
Server: r/TLOU2
Unmute #35589
On sealer_.
Reason: abra-kadabra unmutius
Moderator: Deleted User 9fd1dfb3
Server: r/TLOU2