jacksmiles1300#0000 log on Ohio Temple of Satan

Discord ID: 575834386608685077
Security score 0 Best
Total received actions 0
Total given actions 391

Servers this user helps to moderate:

Actions recorded on this user:

No actions were recorded on this user

Actions created by this user:

Ban #98867
On Δ0
Reason: preemptive ban, massive piece of shit. Abusive and threatens to rape people.
Moderator: jacksmiles1300
Server: Ohio Temple of Satan
Ban #98319
On Ptonomy
Reason: troll who is coming into other servers to start bullshit with people. shits severely disrespectful and is NOT welcome here.
Moderator: jacksmiles1300
Server: Ohio Temple of Satan
Ban #98238
On HamoodTatari
Reason: No reason given.
Moderator: jacksmiles1300
Server: Ohio Temple of Satan
Ban #98054
On J.R.M
Reason: bad raid. One star.
Moderator: jacksmiles1300
Server: Ohio Temple of Satan

Global log information

This is a guild specific log for user jacksmiles1300#0000. You can see a more global log here