svjatoslav7432#0000 global log
Discord ID: | 730847889013866557 |
Security score |
Total received actions | 6 |
Total given actions | 2 |
Actions recorded on this user:

Kick #110114
On svjatoslav7432

Warn #110113
On svjatoslav7432
Reason: twists words around of other members and tries to provoke when verbally warned
Moderator: unrealacids
Server: Greater Debaters
Moderator: unrealacids
Server: Greater Debaters

Warn #104428
On svjatoslav7432
Reason: Echoes himself, ignores counter arguments, threatens to report the server when verbally warned
Moderator: unrealacids
Server: Greater Debaters
Moderator: unrealacids
Server: Greater Debaters

Warn #79738
On svjatoslav7432
Reason: this one is kinda long. He claimed that "You guys claim that you showed me the examples of leftists condemning Cuban government" and so someone showed him a picture of the statement with BIG RED ARROWS pointing out the part where the condemnation is and then he says "And you guys accuse me of cherry picking for the very same thing" so my warn here is for arguing in bad faith, he is dismissing reality and substituting his own.
Moderator: jacksmiles1300
Server: Greater Debaters
Moderator: jacksmiles1300
Server: Greater Debaters
Actions created by this user:

Warn #97526
On saintcharliee
Reason: stereotyping a group of people, violating rule 1 - revoked warn, all they did was say conservatives suck
Moderator: svjatoslav7432
Server: Greater Debaters
Moderator: svjatoslav7432
Server: Greater Debaters

Warn #97525
On Caava
Reason: stereotyping a group of people, violating rule 1 - revoked warn, all they did was say conservatives suck
Moderator: svjatoslav7432
Server: Greater Debaters
Moderator: svjatoslav7432
Server: Greater Debaters