Fred#4249 log on Night City

Discord ID: 350733960051163136
Security score 0.0 Best
Total received actions 17
Total given actions 0

Actions recorded on this user:

Ban #42563
On Fred
Reason: No reason given.
Moderator: johnz3895
Server: Night City
Warn #42520
On Fred
Reason: pls don't
Moderator: mads0880
Server: Night City
Warn #42409
On Fred
Reason: disrespecting mods and shitposting in chat when i repeatedly told you to stop, continuing this behaviour will result in a mute
Moderator: mads0880
Server: Night City
Unmute #42402
On Fred
Reason: Time is up | See case #42345 for details
Moderator: DoItLater
Server: Night City

Actions created by this user:

No actions were given by this user

Global log information

This is a guild specific log for user Fred#4249. You can see a more global log here