johnz3895#0000 log on Night City

Discord ID: 723923601019109418
Security score 0.0 Best
Total received actions 2
Total given actions 79

Actions recorded on this user:

Mute #45885
On johnz3895
Reason: 3d chill
Moderator: mads0880
Server: Night City
Unmute #34159
On johnz3895
Reason: pls remain civil and don't do that again. If you two begin again, you shall both be muted.
Moderator: mads0880
Server: Night City

Actions created by this user:

Ban #43632
On Fred
Reason: There goes my patience
Moderator: johnz3895
Server: Night City
Ban #43629
On Fred
Reason: No reason given.
Moderator: johnz3895
Server: Night City
Mute #43062
On Spartan 1337
Reason: No reason given.
Moderator: johnz3895
Server: Night City
Warn #42910
On hilentical
Reason: dont spam<:linus:753886060668387339><:pepe:766345841488822282><:linusgun:753891312939434024>💀🙏😍<:HappyJoel:750062655980699749>😎😋<:GTrash:763003906506620928>😏<:Shaqface:750400132889182208><:unoreverse:751469148122382407>🏳️‍🌈😔<:jaxx:749392594739527692>
Moderator: johnz3895
Server: Night City

Global log information

This is a guild specific log for user johnz3895#0000. You can see a more global log here