gawlingsogim1971#1419 global log

Discord ID: 805724782498414593
Security score 19.27 Moderate
Total received actions 7
Total given actions 0

Actions recorded on this user:

Kick #60451
On gawlingsogim1971
Reason: Automatic kick by AutoInspect because of too many joins
Moderator: AutoInspector
Server: ass
Ban #60383
On gawlingsogim1971
Reason: Thresholds enforcing
Moderator: ThresholdsEnforcer
Server: ass
Kick #60382
On gawlingsogim1971
Reason: Automatic kick by AutoInspect because of too many joins
Moderator: AutoInspector
Server: ass
Kick #60323
On gawlingsogim1971
Reason: Automatic kick by AutoInspect because of too many joins
Moderator: AutoInspector
Server: ass

Actions created by this user:

No actions were given by this user