Softban #57798
On Deleted User c3d8612f
Reason: Automatic action from automod. SoftBanning user because score **0.5** >= 0.1
Moderator: AutoModerator
Server: Prime server
Automod logs:
[s=+0.00 (+0.00), m=+1.00 (+0.00), t=+0.00 (+0.00)] > MESSAGE : T̴̃͘H̸͂̈́İ̸͗S̷̑̓ ̷̀͝S̸̃̆I̶͑̿T̵͐̓E̸̓̽ ̵̾͂R̸̈́̇Ë̶̂Q̴̛̂U̸̅̚I̷̍̍R̷̍͌Ĕ̵̂S̸̈́͂ ̸̅̃F̵̅͝L̵̀̒Ȧ̶̍S̶̾̎H̴̾͊ (on #🔸chat-everyone)
[s=+0.00 (+0.00), m=+1.00 (+0.00), t=+0.00 (+0.00)] > Multiplicator calculation done
[s=+0.50 (+0.50), m=+1.00 (+0.00), t=+0.50 (+0.50)] > Message contains zalgo (zalgo_score=0.784324942791762)
[s=+0.50 (+0.00), m=+1.00 (+0.00), t=+0.50 (+0.00)] > Running AutoTrigger checks
[s=+0.50 (+0.00), m=+1.00 (+0.00), t=+0.50 (+0.00)] > > Check ran Bad Strings with result False
[s=+0.50 (+0.00), m=+1.00 (+0.00), t=+0.50 (+0.00)] > > Check ran Libra Discord Bots with result False
[s=+0.50 (+0.00), m=+1.00 (+0.00), t=+0.50 (+0.00)] > > Check ran Sex Dating Discord Bots with result False
[s=+0.50 (+0.00), m=+1.00 (+0.00), t=+0.50 (+0.00)] > > Check ran Instant Essay Discord Bots with result False
[s=+0.50 (+0.00), m=+1.00 (+0.00), t=+0.50 (+0.00)] > > Check ran Sex Bots with result False
[s=+0.50 (+0.00), m=+1.00 (+0.00), t=+0.50 (+0.00)] > > Check ran Nudes Selling Discord Bots with result False
[s=+0.50 (+0.00), m=+1.00 (+0.00), t=+0.50 (+0.00)] > Score calculation done
[s=+0.50 (+0.00), m=+1.00 (+0.00), t=+0.50 (+0.00)] > Total for message is 0.5, applying actions if any
[s=+0.50 (+0.00), m=+1.00 (+0.00), t=+0.50 (+0.00)] > Deleting message because score **0.5** >= 0.5
[s=+0.50 (+0.00), m=+1.00 (+0.00), t=+0.50 (+0.00)] > SoftBanning user because score **0.5** >= 0.1