Prime server

Guild details

Discord ID: 762749611801837568
Owner YDEnterprises 1#1904 (688499307770675211)
Created At Oct. 5, 2020, 6:54 p.m.
Users 47
VIP False
Automod Enabled Yes
AutoTriggers Enabled Yes
AutoInspect Enabled Yes
Thresholds Enabled Yes
DeHoister Enabled No
Invite code

Server rules

            (**Server rules**)
```1> No spanning
2> No bad words
3> Be channels on topic
4> No advertising
5> No Zalgo allowed on message because we can do that
6> No <13 allows on age due to terms of service
8> No spoilers allowed
9> No violates requests
10> No spanning Emoji
11> No spanning on Text or Vc
12> Don't ask a my age!
13> don't abuse bots
14> Mass mention is not allowed here
15> Do not post a link
16> Please use bots commands #🔸bots-commands or #🔸bots-commands-2 ```

```Here is the punishment
Warn 1: nothing happen
Warn 2: tempmute 1h
Warn 3: tempmute 3h
Warn 4: kick
Warn 5: banned```

Actions recorded on this server

Actions recorded as of now:
Softban #63376
On consuelt
Reason: Useing that putting on **PRIVATE MESSAGE** That way only done for doing sending a server invites!
Moderator: nightanlor52019
Server: Prime server
Ban #63361
On Deleted User c3d8612f
Reason: Automatic action from automod. Banning user because score **41.6** >= 30.0
Moderator: AutoModerator
Server: Prime server
Note #63360
On Deleted User c3d8612f
Reason: Automod deleted a message from this user.
Moderator: AutoModerator
Server: Prime server
Note #63328
On ceilingfanvideosonyt
Reason: Runs that ceilings fans background and not on #🔸chats-for-goanimators please don't do this again!
Moderator: nightanlor52019
Server: Prime server
Warn #63246
On mannyt1013
Moderator: nightanlor52019
Server: Prime server
Note #63217
On theblackwrapperdude
Reason: Links in only done to useing a links! and not on #🔸chat-everyone please use #🔸off-topic
Moderator: nightanlor52019
Server: Prime server
Kick #62994
On Deleted User c3d8612f
Reason: Automatic action from automod. Kicking user because score **12.0** >= 3.0
Moderator: AutoModerator
Server: Prime server
Ban #62571
On Deleted User e53b4e9b
Reason: Automatic action from automod. Banning user because score **52.5** >= 5.0
Moderator: AutoModerator
Server: Prime server