Irham's room

Guild details

Discord ID: 652463712988299264
Owner wh0_1s_1rham#0000 (602718672229761024)
Created At Dec. 6, 2019, 10:57 a.m.
Users 33
VIP False
Automod Enabled Yes
AutoTriggers Enabled No
AutoInspect Enabled No
Thresholds Enabled No
DeHoister Enabled No

Actions recorded on this server

Actions recorded as of now:
Warn #76072
On 1928crows
Reason: Automatic action from automod. Warning user because score **4.125** >= 2.0
Moderator: AutoModerator
Server: Irham's room
Warn #20150
On SuperHir_Blox
Reason: umm, wrong server: we mean **say COVIDGO** we cant do that here
Moderator: its_suri
Server: Irham's room
Unmute #20077
On SuperHir_Blox
Reason: Time is up | See case #20076 for details
Moderator: DoItLater
Server: Irham's room
Mute #20076
On SuperHir_Blox
Reason: same message in other channels 🕰️ Duration: 5 minutes
Moderator: wh0_1s_1rham
Server: Irham's room
Unmute #20075
On SuperHir_Blox
Reason: No reason given.
Moderator: wh0_1s_1rham
Server: Irham's room
Mute #20074
On SuperHir_Blox
Reason: same message in other channels
Moderator: wh0_1s_1rham
Server: Irham's room
Warn #19157
On SuperHir_Blox
Reason: server invites
Moderator: wh0_1s_1rham
Server: Irham's room
Unmute #17092
On cute zainab
Reason: Time is up | See case #17090 for details
Moderator: DoItLater
Server: Irham's room