Sysiphus’ Rock

Guild details

Discord ID: 697626987895849051
Owner sys_9661#0000 (642434814968070148)
Created At April 9, 2020, 2 a.m.
Users 9
VIP False
Automod Enabled Yes
AutoTriggers Enabled Yes
AutoInspect Enabled Yes
Thresholds Enabled No
DeHoister Enabled Yes
Invite code 697626987895849051

Server rules

            Be cool.
Don’t be uncool.

Actions recorded on this server

Actions recorded as of now:
Note #56752
On jimmyhall1168
Reason: It was the most important part of it.
Moderator: sys_9661
Server: Sysiphus’ Rock
Note #56748
On jimmyhall1168
Reason: I forgot to tell you something important.
Moderator: sys_9661
Server: Sysiphus’ Rock
Note #56747
On jimmyhall1168
Reason: How is school going? Any projects?
Moderator: sys_9661
Server: Sysiphus’ Rock
Note #56730
On jimmyhall1168
Reason: What are you working on?
Moderator: sys_9661
Server: Sysiphus’ Rock
Note #56560
On jimmyhall1168
Reason: Please talk to me tomorrow.
Moderator: sys_9661
Server: Sysiphus’ Rock