the truth

Guild details

Discord ID: 813565852053798912
Owner jimmyhall1168#0000 (696437238191358082)
Created At Feb. 23, 2021, 12:20 a.m.
Users 2
VIP False
Automod Enabled No
AutoTriggers Enabled No
AutoInspect Enabled No
Thresholds Enabled No
DeHoister Enabled No

Actions recorded on this server

Actions recorded as of now:
Warn #56485
On sys_9661
Reason: this is too public lol.. yeahh no.
Moderator: jimmyhall1168
Server: the truth
Note #56481
On zerodivisionerror
Reason: i rather have no connection to eyes at all anymore. this is why i unfriended everyone relating to duckhunt
Moderator: jimmyhall1168
Server: the truth
Note #56477
On zerodivisionerror
Reason: eyes didn't
Moderator: jimmyhall1168
Server: the truth
Note #56474
On sys_9661
Reason: i guess deleting my existence is the only way to make you even think about my feelings and this is why i left
Moderator: jimmyhall1168
Server: the truth
Note #56473
On zerodivisionerror
Reason: i guess deleting my existence is the only way to make you even think about my feelings and this is why i left
Moderator: jimmyhall1168
Server: the truth
Note #56472
On zerodivisionerror
Reason: MR sherlock holmes here. you still dont know the truth to why i left
Moderator: jimmyhall1168
Server: the truth
Note #56470
On wonggor
Reason: dont tell them
Moderator: jimmyhall1168
Server: the truth
Note #56469
On wonggor
Reason: i am steef...
Moderator: jimmyhall1168
Server: the truth