canarduck#0000 global log

Discord ID: 138751484517941259
Security score 0 Best
Total received actions 5
Total given actions 656

Servers this user helps to moderate:

Actions recorded on this user:

Unban #52914
On canarduck
Reason: This user was previously banned with the following reason: spambot
Moderator: iloos9293
Server: DigitalCurrencyTraders(FREE)
Note #22120
On canarduck
Reason: hi dad
Moderator: Deleted User 5a1cca20
Server: Ahuman's Autism (4K HD)
Ban #15427
On canarduck
Moderator: Deleted User 5a1cca20
Server: Ahuman's Autism (4K HD)
Note #3614
On canarduck
Reason: test
Moderator: WilIiam
Server: Sanya Jaco Eupa Ebbati Nuo

Actions created by this user:

Kick #11909
On tefma
Reason: Nazi pfp aren't welcome here, nor are talks about sensibles subjects about other people (what's your religion, if not in a reasonable context, is not a question you'd legit ask someone you don't know...)
Moderator: canarduck
Server: DuckHunt 🦆
Ban #11794
On Deleted User 51433b1c
Reason: Spambot
Moderator: canarduck
Server: DuckHunt 🦆
Ban #11772
On Deleted User 55cb2b73
Reason: Ads in DMs
Moderator: canarduck
Server: DuckHunt 🦆
Ban #11096
On Deleted User 33ae7b38
Reason: Trolling in support channels, very annoying. Also nice thing you can ban two people at the same time.
Moderator: canarduck
Server: GetBeaned Support