Ayup_Its_Barry#0794 log on DuckHunt 🦆

Discord ID: 505807781824167981
Security score 32.22 High
Total received actions 1
Total given actions 0

Actions recorded on this user:

Ban #471
On Ayup_Its_Barry
Reason: Action done by Eyesofcreeper#0001 (ID: 138751484517941259) Reason given by the moderator: Manual thresholds enforcing (bug in DHC), and spam the server so much that I don't want to see his Tesco "petit pois" image ever again (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/195260081036591104/508076688182214656/image0.png)
Moderator: BanList Import
Server: DuckHunt 🦆

Actions created by this user:

No actions were given by this user

Global log information

This is a guild specific log for user Ayup_Its_Barry#0794. You can see a more global log here