beto380#1234 log on DuckHunt 🦆

Discord ID: 593144704846266376
Security score 37.52 High
Total received actions 3
Total given actions 0

Actions recorded on this user:

Ban #22532
On beto380
Reason: posting NSFW then leaving to try and get out of a mute
Moderator: subtleknifewielder
Server: DuckHunt 🦆
Mute #22527
On beto380
Reason: being immature. Might be under TOS age. Might need to ban later 🕰️ Duration: 6 hours
Moderator: steefgozercool.
Server: DuckHunt 🦆
Warn #22526
On beto380
Reason: no NSFW related stuff in here
Moderator: steefgozercool.
Server: DuckHunt 🦆

Actions created by this user:

No actions were given by this user

Global log information

This is a guild specific log for user beto380#1234. You can see a more global log here