barkingdogman#9225 log on DuckHunt 🦆

Discord ID: 750045886884610171
Security score 43.89 High
Total received actions 4
Total given actions 0

Actions recorded on this user:

Ban #33418
On barkingdogman
Reason: No reason given.
Moderator: subtleknifewielder
Server: DuckHunt 🦆
Softban #33416
On barkingdogman
Reason: No reason given.
Moderator: subtleknifewielder
Server: DuckHunt 🦆
Mute #33415
On barkingdogman
Reason: I said take it to the spam channel
Moderator: subtleknifewielder
Server: DuckHunt 🦆
Warn #33413
On barkingdogman
Reason: spamming and sassin’ Ahuman
Moderator: sys_9661
Server: DuckHunt 🦆

Actions created by this user:

No actions were given by this user

Global log information

This is a guild specific log for user barkingdogman#9225. You can see a more global log here