Mirza#1253 log on Insanity Creative

Discord ID: 482610625474854912
Security score 2.18 Low
Total received actions 7
Total given actions 14

Servers this user helps to moderate:

Actions recorded on this user:

Warn #18730
On Mirza
Reason: afk
Moderator: ghost_1111
Server: Insanity Creative
Unban #18237
On Mirza
Reason: Time is up | See case #17931 for details
Moderator: DoItLater
Server: Insanity Creative
Ban #17931
On Mirza
Reason: playing with alt to get points 🕰️ Duration: 1 week
Moderator: Deleted User 159e2f45
Server: Insanity Creative
Unban #17930
On Mirza
Reason: This user was previously banned with the following reason: 7d playing with a fake account to get points.
Moderator: Deleted User 159e2f45
Server: Insanity Creative

Actions created by this user:

Warn #17923
On whistler9155
Reason: AFK During a match
Moderator: Mirza
Server: Insanity Creative
Warn #17903
On Ali-_-
Reason: afk during a match
Moderator: Mirza
Server: Insanity Creative
Warn #17891
On Deleted User 1f935842
Reason: AFK during a match for like the 1000th time
Moderator: Mirza
Server: Insanity Creative
Warn #17870
On ᲼᲼᲼
Reason: afk during a game
Moderator: Mirza
Server: Insanity Creative

Global log information

This is a guild specific log for user Mirza#1253. You can see a more global log here