ACTingKris#0666 log on Earendel
Discord ID: | 111588820452974592 |
Security score |
Total received actions | 0 |
Total given actions | 9 |
Servers this user helps to moderate:
Actions recorded on this user:
No actions were recorded on this userActions created by this user:

Mute #56013
On 🕇Polish Deathcare🕇 on Linux
Reason: disrespectful towards a marginalized group
🕰️ Duration: 1 day
Moderator: ACTingKris
Server: Earendel
Moderator: ACTingKris
Server: Earendel

Mute #54876
On _mattp
Reason: chronically dismissive of other people and disrespectful of other people's time
Moderator: ACTingKris
Server: Earendel
Moderator: ACTingKris
Server: Earendel

Warn #54867
On _mattp
Reason: pinging moderators then immediately deleting the messages
Moderator: ACTingKris
Server: Earendel
Moderator: ACTingKris
Server: Earendel