imbmews.#0000 log on Ohio Temple of Satan

Discord ID: 750564444312043590
Security score 0.0 Best
Total received actions 4
Total given actions 0

Actions recorded on this user:

Kick #69383
On imbmews.
Reason: Thresholds enforcing
Moderator: ThresholdsEnforcer
Server: Ohio Temple of Satan
Warn #69382
On imbmews.
Reason: rule 1 and 5 :). The other admins ca always double check me too
Moderator: Niff
Server: Ohio Temple of Satan
Warn #69380
On imbmews.
Reason: stop promoting hate and sharing memes joking about really hateful stereotypes, and in general get more tasteful memes
Moderator: Niff
Server: Ohio Temple of Satan
Warn #56745
On imbmews.
Reason: stop spreading peoples photos. Thats creepy as shit.
Moderator: karliafangmadonia
Server: Ohio Temple of Satan

Actions created by this user:

No actions were given by this user

Global log information

This is a guild specific log for user imbmews.#0000. You can see a more global log here