Fenrik#6791 log on Kingdoms At War

Discord ID: 464457974824435712
Security score 0 Best
Total received actions 0
Total given actions 15

Actions recorded on this user:

No actions were recorded on this user

Actions created by this user:

Unban #31575
On joakimermeg
Reason: This user was previously banned with the following reason: Thresholds enforcing
Moderator: Fenrik
Server: Kingdoms At War
Unban #31535
On joakimermeg
Reason: This user was previously banned with the following reason: Being racist.
Moderator: Fenrik
Server: Kingdoms At War
Unban #31534
On sharko_0
Reason: This user was previously banned with the following reason: racism
Moderator: Fenrik
Server: Kingdoms At War
Kick #31533
On ehsebs
Reason: saying the n-word -.-
Moderator: Fenrik
Server: Kingdoms At War

Global log information

This is a guild specific log for user Fenrik#6791. You can see a more global log here