Aluminum Monke#2433 log on Dumbass Gaming
Discord ID: | 542181367522394112 |
Security score |
Total received actions | 0 |
Total given actions | 65 |
Servers this user helps to moderate:
- Owner status : Dumbass Gaming
Actions recorded on this user:
No actions were recorded on this userActions created by this user:

Unmute #43861
On th_u_mb

Ban #43857
On more poggers

Warn #43856
On more poggers
Reason: using inappropriate language and also she sucks lol
Moderator: Aluminum Monke
Server: Dumbass Gaming
Moderator: Aluminum Monke
Server: Dumbass Gaming

Ban #43853
On more poggers
Reason: child predetor confirmed, activating hammer of justice
Moderator: Aluminum Monke
Server: Dumbass Gaming
Moderator: Aluminum Monke
Server: Dumbass Gaming