nightanlor52019#6498 log on Prime server
Discord ID: | 760945518955986995 |
Security score |
Total received actions | 0 |
Total given actions | 5 |
Servers this user helps to moderate:
- Owner status : Rivebot Support Inschool Ruby advertising Dutton butodf Kcfvb's community Aperture Serfdom Players Royalarediscord's HQ Royalarediscord vyond’s world Royalarediscord's the blueprint Fashion Philadelphia city hall
Actions recorded on this user:
No actions were recorded on this userActions created by this user:

Note #62211
On Deleted User 6b68998c
Reason: Noted for action: because Rule 2. Please read a rules!
Moderator: nightanlor52019
Server: Prime server
Moderator: nightanlor52019
Server: Prime server