robert9157#0000 log on OP Anarchy
Discord ID: | 579324767216336923 |
Security score |
Total received actions | 0 |
Total given actions | 10 |
Servers this user helps to moderate:
- Owner status : OP Anarchy Chunkative FreeAgar
- Admin status : Fucking maggots WLP (we love food too)
- Trusted status : WLP (we love food too)
Actions recorded on this user:
No actions were recorded on this userActions created by this user:

Mute #99633
On vzish
Reason: 1d stop joking around with my words, eat this 1 day mute
Moderator: robert9157
Server: OP Anarchy
Moderator: robert9157
Server: OP Anarchy

Note #99631
On vzish