jimmyhall1168#0000 log on 0/0's Boat Support

Discord ID: 696437238191358082
Security score 33.12 High
Total received actions 4
Total given actions 0

Servers this user helps to moderate:

Actions recorded on this user:

Note #56482
On jimmyhall1168
Reason: very well, i wish you luck in the rest of your travels 👋
Moderator: zerodivisionerror
Server: 0/0's Boat Support
Note #56480
On jimmyhall1168
Reason: you might never need to meet him again but others will take note, even if they don't respond like me, and i'll always listen if you want to *shrugs*
Moderator: zerodivisionerror
Server: 0/0's Boat Support
Note #56478
On jimmyhall1168
Reason: true
Moderator: zerodivisionerror
Server: 0/0's Boat Support
Note #56476
On jimmyhall1168
Reason: dude i cared, i just sucked at talking about stuff since i had no idea what to say
Moderator: zerodivisionerror
Server: 0/0's Boat Support

Actions created by this user:

No actions were given by this user

Global log information

This is a guild specific log for user jimmyhall1168#0000. You can see a more global log here